July 21, 2024

guitar lessons near me

Search online for ‘guitar lessons near me’ in Calgary and you will certainly be provided with a whole lot of options to choose from. Convenience, of course, is a major criterium, especially for parents having to drive their kids to and from their music lessons. More often than not, these guitar lessons are scheduled to take place on a once-a-week basis. This is an even more important consideration when searching for guitar lessons near you while freezing in the midst of a brutal Calgary winter. But a convenient location for you in terms of logistics, ought not be your determining factor when looking for guitar lessons. Finding the best quality guitar teacher is. Hope, they say, is not a strategy.

Consider this: instead of searching for ‘guitar lessons near me,’ you may want to target your search more specifically. For instance, music schools typically require you to enter into a contract. Doing so means you’ll be obligated to meet any number of conditions and policies established by the school.

Perhaps the most difficult to agree to relates to scheduling. After all, everyone has busy lives which often demand strict time management. Factor in unexpected circumstances like illnesses, accidents and common changes in our schedules beyong our control, and OMG, you have to miss a lesson at the last minute. Chances are you will still have to pay for it. Especially in today’s difficult economy, who can afford to waste any amount of money?


A word of caution however, if I may. Before you invest the time and energy searching online for ‘guitar lessons near me,’ perhaps take a just few minutes to consider opting for in-home guitar lessons? True, in all likeliehood these private lessons will cost more per hour. But what could be closer to you than a guitar teacher delivered directly to your home?

Also, when you delve deeper into the actual cost of each lesson it becomes evident quite soon that the cost of guitar lessons near you are not necessarily that much cheaper. First of all you have to factor in the cost of gas, which is only becoming more and more expensive by the day. Then there is the wear and tear on your vehicle, traffic, parking, and of course the risk of an accident, higher insurance premiums, etc.

Then there is the time spent (pronounced wasted) when commuting to and from those so-called ‘guitar lessons near me.’ Some music schools offer both 30 minute and 60 minute lessons. Does it really make sense to have to travel however far for a 30-minute lesson? Incidentally, a 30-minute lesson is a virtual waste of money because too little can be taught in such a short session. Tuning your guitar can eat up 10 minutes alone.

Perhaps you find yourself in a situation where you have to drive one kid to his/her guitar lesson but can’t leave the other kids at home alone because the nanny didn’t show up. Or you suddenly have to be out of town for a business meeting and your spouse has her/his own prior obligations. And then there is the all-too-common reason known as but never admitted to called laziness. Do you really want to shlep your way to a guitar lesson in the midst of bad weather or an absolutely beautiful day when you can be doing anything else?

Another consideration to make about finding guitar lessons near you has to do with your equipment. Say, for example, you prefer to play an electric guitar. Do you really want to have to transport your amp and other gear (pedals, cables, etc.) to your lesson plus waste some of your lesson time just setting up your stuff?


It is said that 90 percent of folks, young and old, who decide to take up the guitar fail and abandon the instrument completely before 12 months are up. Some forever, while others may embark on their guitar learning journey at some other time in their lives. This will come as no surprise to any guitar teacher with at least some expereince. And the reasons are very clear. First and foremost, most people have no idea what will be required of them, especially with regards to the amount of motivation and dedication required in terms of practice.

If you’re going to search for ‘guitar lessons near me,’ do not hesitate to ask whatever school you are considering if they will agree to a free trial lesson or a meet and greet. This way you will be able to size up the teacher being assigned to you so you can know whether or not they are in fact a good fit. Although some music schools near you may appear to staff a number of guitar teachers, many will turn out to be one-man operations working out of their home. That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with this. Only it leaves you with no other choice but that one and only guitar instructor.

We haven’t even touched on the issue of stress yet. Imagine you’ve signed up and obligated yourself to eight lessons. These lessons are probably scheduled for once a week and at a specific time. Now you have one more thing to stress out about and that is timing things so that you arrive on time for your lesson but not too early when you could otherwise be doing more important things.


If you are you looking for a guitar teacher in Calgary, look no further than Steve’s In-Home Guitar Lessons. For over 12 years now, Steve has been dedicated to providing custom-tailored and engaging guitar instruction to students ranging from beginner to intermediate, to even advanced skill level guitarists. Whether you are an absolute beginner interested in exploring the world of playing a musical instrument or an advanced player bent on improving your skills, Steve is Calgary’s leading teacher and here to guide you every single step of the way. Just imagine the wonderful convenience of having a professional guitar instructor visit you in your Calgary home. No more dealing with traffic or having to rush to a school or studio. Steve brings the joy of music-playing right into the comfort of your very own home.

But if you’re intent on searching online for guitar lessons near me in Calgary, best of luck in your guitar-learning journey. And welcome to the tribe!