July 25, 2024

If you’re wondering whether to take private guitar lessons in Calgary or group lessons, you’ve come to the right place. The answer will depend on your goals. Of course there are pros and cons to both private and group guitar lessons. Private guitar lessons are generally much better for you in terms of your progress. Group classes, on the other hand, are better for those of you hoping to play with other musicians. This format helps you adapt more quickly to the realities commonly associated with ensemble music sessions.
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 403 617 3787
On the surface it would appear that group lessons teach some skills that private guitar lessons in Calgary do not. This is true but only to a limited extent. For instance, one may argue that only group lessons teach you to play with other musicians by the very nature of “group” lessons. However, even private teachers can help you to play nice with others by strumming along woth their student. I do it all the time. And I mean ALL the time.
This teaching method also has the student thinking you’re not really pay attention to their playing but instead your own. Not true; a good guitar instructor can do both. But this does help the student feel less focused on.
Group guitar lessons will likely provide you with a sense of belonging because group activities can be fun. You may even feel more motivated being in a class with folks who sahre your same desire to lean guitar. So if you’re looking for a fun experience and perhaps meet some new people, then group classes might be your ideal for you.
When planning on playing within a group lesson, be sure that you’ve already developed your own guitar-playing skills with private guitar lessons. This will enable you to play better with other musicians and not have to worry about playing your own instrument. A good musician has developed the skill of dividing their hearing attention so that they can focus on various instruments and musical elements like tempos and pitch etc. as well as their own instrument. Becoming more proficient at dividing your listening capabilities will have you feeling much more confident and comfortable.
Group guitar classes cannot offer that kind of customized instruction many students need. A teacher will usually follow a predetermined plan as well as have to balance the needs of his/her many students. These students will naturally have different learning styles, needs, abilities, and goals. They’ll also probably be different ages.The result is: you will not get the same level of individual attention. When you’re taught by a professional private music teacher, you will receive that teacher’s full focus and attention for the whole lesson.
With private guitar lessons in Calgary you will receive lessons that are planned and tailored to your specific level, learning style and goals. With this you will inevitably progress faster and more swiftly because classes are designed exclusively for you. You will still have to put in the practice time at home though. Students taking private lessons simply progress better and reach theie personal goals faster.
Every guitar student learns and performs differently. These differences can be particularly wide among kids 4 to 15 years of age. Perhaps even more so between a twenty-something and a retired person. So it is rare to have a class of guitar students who have the same style of learning as well as needs. The result being that group class instructors have little choice but to compromise in order to balance the needs of the class and each individual student.
For example, say one student is struggling with something that the rest of the class finds easy. The teacher can help that student, but the other students must wait. Or, vice versa: the teacher continues teaching the class because most of them are up to speed, while the slower struggling student is left behind.
Another upside of private lessons is that many students, especially beginners, are not yet confident enough in their ability and hence not ready to play music in front of other people. Group guitar classes can be very intimidating for these students. Private lessons, on the other hand, offer students the opportunity to work on their music more comfortably until they are ready to play in front of others. A student taking private lessons will still feel at least a little intimidated by the teacher present. But a very good teacher will know how to alleviate that dynamic and put the student at ease.
Private guitar lessons in Calgary can also help you prepare to play in a band or improvise. Some would argue that you need to play with other musicians to really develop the required skills to do so. This is where group classes can certainly benefit you. However, you can also learn to play with other musicians by simply playing your guitar along with recordings. On that note, one of the wonderful things about playing music is that you can play along with any recording and in essence, jam with your favorite bands or artists, dead or alive.
Yes, group lessons in Calgary cost more per hour than private lessons. But comparing just the prices will not give you the perspective you need. Instead, you should compare what exactly you get for your money.
Generally speaking private lessons with qualified teachers are going to cost you about twice as much per hour than a group class. That is because within group classes, students share the cost of the instructor’s time.
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 403 617 3787
If you’re just beginning to learn to play guitar, take private lessons. After you’ve learned to play the instrument comfortably, and that ciould take any number of years depending on how much you practice, then engage in group lessons. Your personal reasons may be for the mere social experience. But you will also further develop your musical skills like improvising and playing with ensembles. You’ll also be able to apply much of what you learned from your private guitar lessons in Calgary, giving you the best of both worlds.